In 2007, the Defense budget added an additional US$114.26 million in military and police aid. If that amount is similar in 2009, then total aid to Colombia this year will add up to .
2009: 2010: Military and Police Aid (est.) 249,005: 247,500: 197,760: Economic and Social Aid (est.) . There is more military aid in the Defense budget, however, so this is still a decidedly .
The 2009 U.S. military budget accounts for approximately 40% of global arms spending. . United States military aid budget 2009 military aid; United States Foreign Military Financing; Foreign Military Sales
U.S. Budget . 2009: 2008: 2007: 2006: 2005: 2004: 2003: 2002: 2001: Notes Israel . Military Aid (FMF) 2,775: 2,550: 2,381: 2,340
As the single largest expense of the 2010 foreign aid budget, President Obama approved $2.775 billion in military aid to Israel, the first payment in a decade-long commitment .
Although planning is currently underway, there are no costings yet, therefore there is no funding allocation in the 2009/10 Aid Budget.
In each of their budget requests to Congress between 2009 and 2012, both Presidents Bush and Obama asked for increases in U.S. military aid to Israel as stipulated in the MOU.
As the single largest expense of the 2010 foreign aid budget, President Obama approved $2.775 billion in military aid . in Military Aid to Israel World
Friday, December 25th, 2009
US and world military spending and budgets are very . to sustain such large budget deficits
The Obama administration
State Department, Congressional Budget Presentation for FY 2008, pp. 555, 577, 580. l 42 l U.S. MILITARY AID TO CENTRAL ASIA, 1999
The Bush Administration's 2009 foreign aid budget request, issued military aid budget 2009 in February, is here. . Economic-Social Aid: Other military-police appropriations (est) 126,638,053
That means foreign aid made
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