After more than a half-century without a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for lupus, a new experimental drug has been effective in a large-scale clinical .
. only does the trial offer lupus patients the hope of a new treatment with fewer side effects, she said, but it should also offer encouragement to other companies with lupus drugs .
Lupus drug Benlysta -- and its recent approval by the FDA -- is not run-of-the-mill news. Sometimes federal approval of new drugs doesn't garner much attention, but Benlysta is .
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- One-point-five million Americans and 5 million people worldwide are living with lupus right now. Lupus has no known causes or cures. Now there's new hope .
New treatment for lupus offers hope . The drug companies engineered an anti-antibody that seeks out and prevents one of .
Aug 3 - It's been fifty years since a treatment was developed specifically for Lupus, a chronic auto-immune disease that afflicts more lupus drug offers hope than five million people world-wide.
The FDA today approved the first new drug to treat lupus in over 50 years, a milestone that medical
experts say could prompt development of other drugs that are even more .
New Study in NEJM Offers Hope to Lupus Patients with Kidney Disease . Plaquinel�, an antimalarial, and aspirin are a few drugs approved to treat the symptoms of lupus .
New Study Offers Hope for Lupus Patients with Kidney Disease March 5, 2004 . Miami (March 4, 2004)
Lupus drug launch focuses on social media, advocacy orgs Article from dooste; New drug offers hope for lupus patients Article from val; Lupus Foundation hopes to raise funds with daisies
New drug offers hope for lupus patients July 28th, 2009 by Valerie Chavez. Human Genome Sciences and GlaxoSmithKline announced positive results lupus drug offers hope July 21 from a yearlong clinical trial .
After a 50-year drought of new drugs and a string of disappointing failures of potential treatments for lupus, researchers said
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